Sunday, November 6, 2016

Wonderful Old Pictures from The Salyers Side

Photos from old family albums can be gold. Here's a prime example from Sarah Eva Howe's scrapbooks. Thanks to someone who long ago wrote
names at the bottom of this charming image, we know the boy on the left is Bob Salyers (1880-1897). On the right is Bob's big brother Will Salyers (1878-1944), who would grow up to be Sarah's husband. Both were sons of Charles David Salyers and Katherine King Salyers of Carrollton, Carroll County, Kentucky. Other family photos confirm this.

I believe the little girl is Ida Ruth Salyers, a first cousin to the boys, daughter of their uncle William Levi Salyers (1860-1922) and Susie Giltner Salyers

The next image came to me from Bill Davis of Carrollton. He reports that his brother lives in this house on Highland Avenue, next to the funeral home. The house was once home to  Charles D. Salyers. What a treat to have this image.

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